Word for the Bride of Christ

Word for the Bride of Christ, February 2013

Recently the Lord has been impressing on me that He is coming with His Sword drawn.  This drawn Sword  speaks of division and judgment (Matt. 10:34, Rev. 19:15).  The drawing of His Sword will have many applications across many spheres, but for the purpose of this post I am speaking only of His drawn Sword as it applies to the liberation of His Bride.

Bride of Christ, you are not who you think you are.  The Lord is calling you out from the dark shadow of lies that has enveloped your life for far too long.

How can you shine when shrouded in darkness?  Living under a dark cloud of lies has become your way of life:  lies that you have been lulled into believing about yourself and have ceased even questioning.  So familiar have these deceiving lies become to you that you no longer discern them for what they are:  you have embraced them, taken them unto yourself and clothed yourself in them.  Some of them have been put upon you by the world.  Many of them have been subtly laid upon you by the religion of the flesh masquerading as truth.  But all lies ultimately emanate from the father of lies.

The Lord is coming to His Bride with His Sword drawn, not in judgment, but in compassion, mercy and deep love.  His Sword is drawn against the layers of lies that have enveloped and weighed her down over many years and many seasons.  He is coming to set her free so she may live and walk as the manifestation of Truth¹, for He is Truth. 

I hear Him saying:  

“Tell My Bride she is not who she thinks she is.  She thinks she is weak, but I say she is strong.  She thinks she is timid, but I say she is bold.  She thinks she has no voice to speak up but I say I will give her My voice and she will speak.  Yes, she will roar and those given ears to hear shall hear and My Sword of truth shall pierce their hearts.  She thinks she is powerless but I am coming to strengthen her with might in her inner man and she shall run and not grow weary and walk and not faint, for this power of Mine is not of this world ².

Tell my Bride we are crossing over.   Though she has lived in the shadow of the Cross and has not denied my embrace there, for those who will receive it, now resurrection life will become your garment, says the Lord.  You who have willingly worn my Blood shall also wear Me now as your Armour³.  Formidable you are!  says the Lord.  “Formidable” is the name I give you now.  And “fearless” is the word I place upon you. 

Yes, says the Lord, you are not who you think you are.  But I shall now deal with the lies that have weighed upon you and hindered you and shamed you.  Do not fear My Sword.  It comes as Truth. It shall peel off and divide from you every putrid layer of the lies that have been burying you for so long.  And you shall know who you are.  And you shall know Who I am.  And you shall know who we are in our Oneness.  And the Truth shall make you free, and so shall you walk, in freedom to be all I have called you to be. 

There are those of you who have grown comfortable and will wish to remain in alliance with the lies you have accepted about yourself.  In love I warn you this is not a time to test Me.  I seek a willing Bride.  Come and let Me remove all that mars your true beauty and I will indeed show you who you are.” 

¹2 Corinthians. 4:2

²Isaiah 40:31

³Ephesians. 6:13

Hebrews. 4:12

Copyright Cheryl McGrath, Bread for the Bride, 2013

As with all Bread for the Bride articles, this article may be freely copied and distributed without change or omission.  If copying please include the original Bread for the Bride source website:  https://breadforthebride.wordpress.com 


11 thoughts on “Word for the Bride of Christ

  1. Reblogged this on Walking Tomorrow and commented:
    A serious and timely word for the Bride…….judgement will begin first with the Church, thankfully we know that His Judgements are true and made out of love and concern for our well being, therefore we have nothing to fear. His fire is to be embraced, so that Pheonix like we can rise renewed in His Fullness and to our Destiny as His Bride! Come Lord Jesus, Come!


    • Thankyou for reblogging Karen. I don’t see this word as alluding to judgment in the church. I see it as speaking of liberating the Bride from false beliefs that have weighed her down. If there is any judgment it is against deception and false religion, and the Sword is to set the Bride free from those. Thanks for your encouragement, which is always welcome!


  2. Hearing the same… I see this word coming to pass even now… Praise to our Lord & Savior,Jesus Christ, for He is Mighty & His heart is full of mercy & goodness… Purge me O’ Lord, and I will be clean & ready for your use


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