Featured Poem for February: All The Way Home

Bread for the Bride will take a short break for a couple of weeks while I am away teaching in Asia.  In the meantime here is the  featured work of poetry for this new month of February.  This is a new poem called All the Way Home, previously unpublished.  I hope it blesses you immensely.


All the Way Home

I have known Your smile

Dancing like fiery embers

Across my tepid soul

Like sudden sunshine on a winter day

A fountain of unexpected Light

Splashing spontaneously over my half-heartedness

Dispelling the blanketing fog

Bidding me drink deeply

And bask in the beaming glow



I have known Your tears

Wrenching, flooding

Tearing deeply

In raw and brittle brokenness

In unutterable sadness

As wounded Innocence overflowed

And Love misunderstood poured out

Spilling down and down

In rushing torrents of unbounded sorrow



I have known Your touch

Tender and mysterious

Pulsating with the Life that You are

Familiar yet unpredictable

An irresistible fragrance

Compelling me to follow

In dangerous abandonment

To run with You across golden galaxies

And watch the sun rise from a distant dawn



I have known You

But so much more infinitely

Have You known me

Before the foundation of the world

You found me

Took me by the hand

And gently led me


All the way home


© Cheryl McGrath, Bread for the Bride, 2014   Copyright Notice: Permission is granted to freely reproduce any Bread for the Bride articles in emails or internet blogs, unaltered, and providing this copyright notice is included.     To permanently display an article on any static website please contact me for permission.

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